在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2023年1期《近代中国女子教育观与新女性形象的构建——以河北省立女子师范学院为例(1906—1946)》
河北大学 历史学院, 河北 保定 071002
起止页码: 9--14页

The Concept of Women's Education in Modern China and the Construction of New Women's Image ——Taking Hebei Provincial Women's Normal College as an Example (1906 — 1946)
LU Fan
College of History, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China
Since the late Qing Dynasty, the concept of women's education in modern China has experienced the development of “the ideal of being dutiful wife and loving mother”, “women citizens”, “gender equality”, “new women” and “maternalism”. The school running concept and curriculum of Hebei Provincial Women's Normal College are also constantly adapting to the development of women's education concept. The development of the concept of women's education has stimulated the awakening of women's emancipation of the students' mind, and their ideological awakening has also continuously promoted the continuous adjustment of the concept of women's education. The two promote and develop each other. In different periods, the students of Hebei Provincial Women's Normal College are active on the political and social stage in different ways. By participating in political and social affairs, they go out of their homes and schools more and more frequently, and are gradually known by the society. In social practice, the image construction of new women has been gradually completed.

收稿日期: 2022-09-12
