在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2012年3期《北洋政府时期陆军武器装备制式化问题初探》
白剑光1, 张继红2
1. 军械工程学院政治教研室, 河北石家庄 050003;
2. 海军司令部军务部, 北京 100841
起止页码: 16--19页

On the Problem of Weapons Standardization in the Period of Northern Warlords Government
BAI Jianguang1, ZHANG Jihong2
1. Teaching and Research Section of Political Theory, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050003;
2. Department of Military Affairs, Naval Headquart ers of CPLA, Beijing 100841, China
Since the Westernization Movement of the Qing Dynasty, China started large-scale introduction and imitation of Western guns and cannons, opening up a precedent of military weapons and equipment modernization.The lacking of effective co-ordination around the production and the introduction of guns and cannons with different styles and models seriously affected the increase of combat capabilities.When entering the period of the Republic of China, the problem remained a serious draw back in the development history of modern weapons and equipment.The Northern Government attached great importance to many measures, including rectification and unification of the country's military production, strengthening the co-ordinated management of import and the determination of the standardization, and striving to promote the production, which achieved some effect but failed to fundamentally solve the problem.The main reasons are:division of the country among the warlords, the unification of production and import of weapons and equipment;the weak basis of military production, backward technology, financial difficulties, insufficient self-provision of military weapons and equipment;chaotic military system, mixed system of old and new, complex affiliation relationships, more difficult management of the government co-ordination.

收稿日期: 2012-03-13
基金项目: 军械工程学院基础部2010年科研基金项目《我国近代武器装备制式化研究》(JCB1002)
