在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2012年3期《天津《国闻报》与晚清新思想的传播》
陈其泰, 刘永祥
北京师范大学历史学院, 北京 100875
起止页码: 1--8页

Tianjin National News Report and the Transmission of New Ideology in the Late Qing Dynasty
CHEN Qitai, LIU Yongxiang
School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Tianjin National News Report, rising as the northern consensus center for its advanced ideology and unique newspaper concept, echoed with Shanghai Current Affairs in the south, encouraging reformist ideas to promote the Reform Movement of 1898.It not only fiercely criticized monarchy and vigorously disseminated Western learning by editorials, but also timely reflected the reform progress with the news.The Evolution and Ethics translated by Yan Fu was first serialized in National News Compilation, which marked the breakthrough to the mode of transmission of the book restricted only with a small range of circulated manuscripts to spread to the public.That was the real start of the evolution theory sweeping across the country and marked the spread of western learning to change profoundly the Chinese world out look and historic view.National News Report, for the purpose of "pass", translated a great number of Western journals, and increased flexible newspapers policy with the changing situation and experience, gradually shifted the press center to domestic news.It had abundant timely news reports and original profound views with great social effect because it was adjacent to the political center Beijing and had a sizable acquisitioning team whose sponsors had rich Chinese and western academic literacy and social esteem.So, it was a glorious page in the development history of newspapers and North China in modern times.

收稿日期: 2012-04-23
