在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2012年2期《《庸言》的立论维度与民初政治困局》
武占江, 韩雪
河北经贸大学, 河北 石家庄 050061
起止页码: 13--17页

The Argument Dimensions of The Justice and Early Republican Political Deadlock
WU Zhanjiang, HAN Xue
Hebei University Of Economics And Business, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050061, China
A prominent feature of transferring ancient Chinese politics to modern political transit ion is the vicious circle of the change of enlightenment and politics, instead of the supersession of dynasties.The cycle of the supersession of dynasties formed the vicious circle of history in a plane dimensionality.Though various changes occurred in autocratic politics, there was no real progress.From the period of Reform Movement of 1898 to the early twentieth century, Chinese politics formed another vicious circle of didacticism and despotism. It was well-known by all torchbearers that modern politics could not be achieved without the enlightenment, which is also a historical fact.But the rulers, who regarded themselves as Chinese Savior, believed that centralism was the only way to resist aggressions of big powers and eliminate internal disorder, that they were the only guide of democracy, and that the people's democratic appeal was a kind of unrest and rebellion.So they took actions to suppress public opinions.As a result, they became negative forces to democracy.The Justice, a famous magazine published in 1914, witnessed the period of centralism to anti-autocracy, which also revealed the track from the Reform Movement of 1898 to the May 4th Movement.

收稿日期: 2012-02-22
