在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年6期《继续教育视角下思想政治工作创新研究》
张家口开放大学, 河北 张家口 075000
起止页码: 34--37页

Research on Innovation of Ideological and Political Work from the Perspective of Continuing Education
CHEN Rui-fen
Zhangjiakou Open University, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China
As an important part of higher education in China, continuing education undertakes the important responsibility of providing diversified educational services for the masses. The ideological and political work of continuing education is an important part of colleges and universities. Actively carrying out the ideological and political work is related to the important task of "training new people of the times to undertake the great task of national rejuvenation". Marxism, Leninism and the statements on ideological and political work made by the leaders of all generations of the Party have provided a solid theoretical basis for the development of continuing education. According to the characteristics of students and disciplines, we should formulate the optimal methods of ideological and political work, innovate the forms, contents and methods of ideological and political work, and achieve the fundamental task of establishing morality and cultivating people.

收稿日期: 2022-07-30

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