在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年6期《省域开放大学资源建设应用的现状与思考——以河北开放大学为例》
秦惠娟, 贾强
河北开放大学, 河北 石家庄 050080
起止页码: 17--21页

The Status and Reflection of the Resource Construction and Application of Provincial Open Universitiy——Taking Hebei Open University as an Example
QIN Hui-juan, JIA Qiang
Hebei Open University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080, China
With the comprehensive transformation of the open university to a public service system of lifelong learning for all, the aggregation of massive high-quality resources has become an outstanding task of the open university system in the new era. Faced with common problems such as extensive and nonstandard resource management, irrational resource allocation, solidified construction mode, weak innovation in teaching design, and lack of collaboration in application services,provincial open universities in the future need to break through the original thinking inertia, take the structural reform on the supply side of resources as the guide, scientifically plan resource construction, build a digital learning resource platform, improve the standard and specification system of resource construction, and expand the promotion and application of resources,so as to achieve high-level construction, high-efficiency aggregation and high-quality service.

收稿日期: 2022-07-06
基金项目: 河北广播电视大学2020年委托课题《新技术背景下的河北开放大学数字化学习资源应用研究》(WT202007)

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