在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年5期《ARCS模型在MOOC研究中的应用及对MOOC评价的启发》
国家开放大学 学生工作与教师发展部, 北京 100039
起止页码: 90--94页

The Application of ARCS Motivation Model in MOOC Research and Its Inspiration to MOOC Evaluation
LI Yu-meng
Department of Student Affairs and Teacher Development, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
ARCS model is a very classical theoretical model in the field of learning motivation. Since it was formally proposed in 1984, a large number of domestic and foreign scholars have carried out related research based on this model, covering multiple research directions such as theoretical research, practical application, and model-based evaluation of the model. In recent years, the research on ARCS model mainly focuses on its application in the field of MOOC. Reviewing the research progress of the ARCS model at home and abroad, and drawing its inspiration for MOOC evaluation, it will help to improve the quality of MOOC in China and promote the development of MOOC through evaluation, so that this "no barriers" learning method can benefit more people.

收稿日期: 2022-05-23

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