在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年5期《试评MOOC《汉语入门》》
吴明芳, 金舒年
北京大学 对外汉语教育学院, 北京 100871
起止页码: 83--89页
《汉语入门》是由北京大学对外汉语教育学院刘晓雨副教授开设的世界首门教授汉语的MOOC系列课程。课程分为两个阶段,Chinese for Beginners(《汉语入门1》)和More Chinese for Beginners(《汉语入门2》)。两个阶段的课程均属于初级课程,其内容安排合理,侧重各有不同;课程设置先易后难,循序渐进,课程要求逐步提高;进阶课程的课程资源及呈现方式更为多样。初级对外汉语MOOC的设计应遵循坚持熟手教师建课,保证教师出镜率,加强论坛互动,论坛反馈及时有效,提高语言知识的复现率,课程等级明确等原则。

Review of TCFL MOOC Chinese for Beginners
WU Ming-fang, JIN Shu-nian
School of Chinese as Second Language, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Chinese for Beginners is the world's first MOOC series of courses to teach Chinese, opened by associate professor Liu Xiao-yu from the School of Chinese as a Foreign Language, Peking University. This two-stage beginning-level course includes Chinese for Beginners and More Chinese for Beginners. The courses of the two stages are both primary courses, with reasonable content arrangement and different emphases; the course setting is from easy to difficult, and the course requirements are gradually improved; the course resources and presentation methods of advanced courses are more diverse.The design of elementary Chinese as a foreign language MOOC should follow the principles of insisting on the establishment of courses by skilled teachers, ensuring the teacher's appearance rate, strengthening forum interaction, timely and effective forum feedback, improving the recurrence rate of language knowledge, and clarification of curriculum levels.

收稿日期: 2022-06-06

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