在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年5期《课程思政背景下高校师生理念型心理契约研究》
江西财经大学 工商管理学院, 江西 南昌 330032
起止页码: 44--47页

Research on Ideological Psychological Contract between Teachers and Students in Colleges and Universities under the Background of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education
CAI Wen-zhu
School of Business Administration, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330032, China
As an educational ideology, ideological and political education in curriculum plays an important role in completing the fundamental task of "building morality and cultivating people" in higher education. Under the background of curriculum ideology and politics, there is an idea-based psychological contract between teachers and students in colleges and universities.There are four steps in the formation process of an ideological psychological contract between teachers and students in colleges and universities:pre admission stage, school selection and admission stage, early socialization and teaching stage and later experience stage. The ideological psychological contract between teachers and students includes three dimensions:learning knowledge and skills, improving competence and qualification and self-value realization. The study of ideological psychological contract between teachers and students in colleges and universities offers guidance for improving the teaching effect of curriculum ideological and political education.

收稿日期: 2022-05-09
基金项目: 江西省教育科学“十三五”规划2019年度课题《高校师生间双向心理契约对师生“教与学”行为影响机理研究》(19YB049)

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