在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年5期《多模态公共英语教学改革探索——基于翻转课堂混合教学模式》
北京开放大学 朝阳分校, 北京 100013
起止页码: 21--25页

Exploration on the Reform of Multimodal Public English Teaching——Based on the Blended Teaching Mode of Flipped Classroom
WANG Nai-huan
Chaoyang Branch of Beijing Open University, Beijing 100013, China
The pilot work of the multi-modal public English teaching reform project of the Open University of China is based on the mixed teaching mode of flipped classroom, which is used to solve the old problems such as "time-consuming and inefficient" and "deaf-mute English" in traditional English teaching. Through the integrated design of flipped classroom teaching activities and teaching performance evaluation, it helps students to use multi-modalities for self-directed learning with purpose, task and consciously, cultivate students' language application ability, and realize the mixed teaching mode of flipped classroom with students' subjective self-management. This model is undoubtedly an active teaching reform attempt to stimulate and cultivate the creativity, autonomy and participation of teachers and students.

收稿日期: 2022-05-19
基金项目: 国家开放大学2018年规划重点课题《国家开放大学公共英语多模态教学模式研究》(G18A0001Z)

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