在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年5期《由乡村而城市:近代民间借贷研究的新趋向——读冯剑著《近代天津民间借贷研究(1900—1949)》》
天津社会科学院 历史研究所, 天津 300191
起止页码: 1--6页

From Country to City: A New Trend on Civil Debit Research of Modern China——Review of A Study on the Civil Debit of Modern Tianjin (1900-1949) by Feng Jian
XIONG Ya-ping
Institute of History, Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, Tianjin 300191, China
Feng Jian's A Study on the Civil Debit of Modern Tianjin (1900-1949), by selecting Tianjin as a social region and drawing on trust theory, conducts in-depth discussions on civil debt from the perspective of urban history, which originally belongs to the important content of rural history. The book has made progress in research perspectives, theoretical methods, research contents and materials. Especially the reference and application of trust theory, the in-depth investigation of private lending institutions, lending industries and lending groups (borrowers), loan mortgages and urban-rural relations which highlight "urban attributes", and the excavation and utilization of archives and newspaper materials with Tianjin's local characteristics, all these have made it a representative work that can reflect the new trend of modern private lending research.Although Feng Jian's research still has some deficiencies in the framework structure, content selection and data processing, it has certain reference significance for further promoting the research of modern regional history of North China, especially the history of Tianjin city and the history of urban-rural relations.

收稿日期: 2022-04-20
基金项目: 2017年度国家社会科学基金重大项目《近代中国乡村建设资料编年整理与研究(1901—1949)》(17ZDA198)
