在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2012年1期《正定王士珍与乡里社会》
河北师范大学, 河北 石家庄 050023
起止页码: 1--5页

Wang Shizhen in Zhengding with His Native Community
DAI Jianbing
Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050023, China
Wang Shizhen was born of a distinguished family.Although the family financial situation declined, with hard work and ext raordinary talent, he won the favor of the ruler, ranking the first of "the three heroes in Northern Warlords period".He held senior positions in the late Qing Dynasty and the Northern Warlords Government and stepped back from the military and political front in his later years.He was praised for mediating between the factions in northern conflict and making great contribution to prevent Beijing from the scourge of war.The two mothers were honored as "First Rank Titled Ladies" by the late Qing Government for their breeding up this pillar talent for the country, Wang Family Double Integrity Ancestral Temple still remains in Zheng ding.Influenced by the traditional scholar-officials' ideology of not bullying the weak, Wang Shizhen settled down in his hometown modestly, respecting common folks, the lay out of his former residence illust rates this point.Wang Shizhen didn' tseek fame and wealth.He was strict with himself and his family as to "ask oneself instead of seeking help from others", which is the true reflection of traditional Confucian ideology.Many of his anecdotes still remain popular about his hometown.

收稿日期: 2011-12-13
