在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年4期《教育行政管理中法治需求现状调查研究》
沈兴文1, 崔文杰2
1. 北京市东城区教育科学研究院, 北京 100009;
2. 北京市东城区职工大学, 北京 100020
起止页码: 80--83页
教育行政管理法治化是实现依法治国实践、全面实施依法治教的重要基础。通过对河北、北京地区1 329名教育行政管理人员进行抽样调查,了解到教育行政管理中的法治需求与存在的问题。研究显示:教育行政管理职能依法运行总体情况较好,教师对职能依法运行情况了解程度高、完善法律法规需求普遍;教师对教育行政关系依法调适普遍认可,对有效调适整体上信心较大,但各层面表现有差异;教育行政管理责任权利依法有效保障需求明显;依法行政和普及相关法律知识成为教师和教育行政人员最强烈的法治需求;教师对完善法律程序了解普遍,但达不到普及的程度,法律法规基本程序成为今后普及、宣传培训的工作重点。

Investigation on the Current Situation of the Demand for Rule of Law in Educational Administration
SHEN Xing-wen1, CUI Wen-jie2
1. Dongcheng District Academy of Educational Sciences of Beijing, Beijing 100009;
2. Dongcheng District Staff University of Beijing, Beijing 100020, China
The legalization of educational administration is an important foundation for realizing the practice of governing the country by law and the comprehensive implementation of governing education by law. Through a sample survey of 1 329 educational administrators in Hebei and Beijing, it reveals the needs and existing problems of the rule of law in educational administration. The results show that:The legal operation of educational administrative functions is generally good, teachers have a high degree of understanding of the legal operation of functions, and there is a general need to improve laws and regulations. Teachers generally recognize the legal adjustment of educational administrative relations, and have great confidence in the effective adjustment of the whole, but there are differences at all levels. There is an obvious need to effectively protect the responsibilities and rights of educational administration according to law. Administration in accordance with the law and popularizing relevant legal knowledge have become the strongest demand for the rule of law shared by teachers and educational administrators.Teachers generally understand the improvement of legal procedures, but they cannot reach the degree of popularization. The basic procedures of laws and regulations have become an important content of popularization, publicity and training in the future.

收稿日期: 2022-3-20
基金项目: 中国教育学会2017年重点课题《教育行政管理中的法治需求及实证研究》(1701010495 A)

[1]兰措卓玛,宁立林,王腾茜.领导干部法治教育需求实证研究——基于青海省部分地区的调查[J].攀登, 2018(2):118-122.
[2]埃德加·博登海默.法理学:法律哲学与法律方法[M].邓正来,译.北京:中国政法大学出版社, 1999:239.