张家口开放大学, 河北 张家口 075000
起止页码: 64--67页
阳原方言口语中流传了2 300多年的“攲”,完全保留其本义本音,可谓活生生的语言化石。《一切经音义》收录的“当攲”一词,其音义可追溯到上古汉语时期。“揩泄”则可上溯到中古汉语时期。从现代汉语方言词上溯,将活的方言与死的书证纵向结合,沟通今古,可以描写出词语历时演变的轨迹。
Notes to Words of Yangyuan Dialect Colloquialism in Yiqiejing Yinyi (Part II)
LI Qi-ping
Zhangjiakou Open University, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China
The Yangyuan dialect " 攲 "(qi) has been around for more than 2300 years in the spoken language, completely retaining its original meaning and original sound, which can be described as a living language fossil. The sound and meaning of the word " 当攲 "(dangqi) in Yiqiejing Yinyi (Sounds and Meanings of All Classics) can be traced back to the ancient Chinese period. " 揩泄 " (kaixie) can be traced back to the Medieval Chinese. From the modern Chinese dialect words, the vertical combination of the living dialect and the dead documentary evidence, to communicate the present and the ancient, can describe the diachronic evolution of the words.
收稿日期: 2022-2-13
基金项目: 2012年度河北广播电视大学立项课题《〈一切经音义〉三种本中所见河北阳原方言俗语词研究》(2012 D 004)
[1]徐时仪,校注.一切经音义[M].上海:上海古籍出版社, 2008.
[2]徐时仪.汉语白话发展史[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2007.
[3]于银如,李青松.晋北方言所见《金瓶梅》词语汇释[M].西安:太白文艺出版社, 2015:151.