浙江外国语学院 中国语言文化学院, 浙江 杭州 310000
起止页码: 60--63页
Miscellaneous Notes on Lost Words in A Guide to Official Documents
RUAN Jian-hao
Department of Chinese Language, Zhejiang International Studies University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310000, China
A Guide to Official Documents is an encyclopedic book which contains and explains lots of official document style words in the Yuan Dynasty. It is an important reference book for lexicography and document research of the Yuan Dynasty. But this book did not contain some important and common official document style words of Yuan Dynasty, such as " 取责 "" 断罢 "" 靠损 "" 切详 "" 该写 "" 节该 ".These above words are not explained correctly in three authoritative dictionaries for interpreting Yuan Dynasty words:Chinese Dictionary, Yuan Language Dictionary, Medieval Chinese Dictionary. By comparing the examples of official documents of the Yuan Dynasty and comprehensively using the exegesis method, the above-mentioned words have been preliminarily explained.
收稿日期: 2022-2-8
基金项目: 国家社科基金重大项目《中国古代通俗类书的文献整理及语言文学研究》(19 ZDA 248)
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