刘琦红, 刘炜, 刘海玲
河北经贸大学 外语教学部, 河北 石家庄 050061
起止页码: 56--59页
Jane Austen's Response to and Transcendence of the Doubt on the Decline of Methodism Raised by John Wesley
LIU Qi-hong, LIU Wei, LIU Hai-ling
Section of Foreign Languages Teaching, Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050061, China
More than 200 years ago, John Wesley, the English preacher and co-founder of Methodism, raised his doubt on the decline of Methodism under the influence of Industrial Revolution. As a writer with belief in Protestantism, Jane Austen focused on that issue in her novel Mansfield Park, in which the Protestant ethic of worldly asceticism is deeply explored through detailed representation of its being scrupulously abided by Sir Thomas Bertram (the head of the house of Mansfield Park), Edmund Bertram (his second son) and Fanny Price (his adoptive daughter), and of his other children's deviation from it and their corruption. In this way, Jane Austen profoundly probes into the connotation of Protestantism's asceticism ethical thought, thus realizing the response and transcendence to the doubt on the decline of Methodism by John Wesley.
收稿日期: 2022-3-6
基金项目: 河北省社科基金项目《简·奥斯丁小说的伦理思想研究》(HB 12 WX 00)
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