李俊红1, 张丽2
1. 河北医科大学, 河北 石家庄 050017;
2. 河北省社会科学院, 河北 石家庄 050051
起止页码: 52--55页
Research on the Improvement Path of Elder-care Service Quality under the Mode of Combining Medical Care with Nursing Care
LI Jun-hong1, ZHANG Li2
1. Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050017;
2. Hebei Academy of Social Sciences, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050051, China
At present, elderly care service in China is still in a stage of insufficient development. There are many deficiencies in elderly care service concepts, service subjects, service content, service platforms and methods, service guarantees and supervision. How to build a Chinese model of elderly care service system has become an important undertaking of the Party and the state in the new era for maintaining social fairness and justice and building a modern socialist country. The combination of medical and nursing care can implement the innovative concept of improving the efficiency and quality of the elder-care service industry, build a community of elder-care service led by the Party Committee and the government, with the participation of hospitals, enterprises and the society, to promote the development of refined, comprehensive, professional and public welfare services. The government should assume more social responsibilities for elderly care services, increase talent team construction, related capital investment, infrastructure construction and supervision of the elderly service, and take multiple measures to explore the sustainable development of elderly care services in China.
收稿日期: 2022-3-19
基金项目: 2021年度河北社会科学发展研究项目《河北省医养结合模式下养老服务质效提升路径研究》(20210201480)
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