鲁士发, 安云蓉
天津开放大学, 天津 300191
起止页码: 47--51页
Research on the Construction Mode of Open University for the Elderly in the New Era——A Case Study of Tianjin
LU Shi-fa, AN Yun-rong
Tianjin Open University, Tianjin 300191, China
As China has entered a deeply aging society, it is very important to develop education for the elderly, enrich the spiritual life of the elderly, and improve the quality of life of the elderly. The open university uses the advantages of distance education and systematic education to build an open university for the elderly, which is conducive to alleviating the contradiction between the elderly education resources and the rapidly growing learning needs of the elderly, alleviating the shortage of elderly education venues, teachers and learning resources, to promote distance education for the elderly and improve the elderly education service system. The key content and development issue of the construction of the open university for the elderly is the school-running model. How to start from the needs of the elderly group, through "open" education research, to form a construction model of the open university for the elderly, so as to build a school-running system for open education for the elderly, integrate online and offline learning resources, to promote the establishment of a lifelong learning system for the whole people and the construction of a learning society.
收稿日期: 2022-2-16
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