魏淑丽, 张洁琦
承德开放大学, 河北 承德 067000
起止页码: 43--46页
Research on The Teaching Strategy of Municipal Open Universities Promoted by Informatization——A Case Study of Chengde Open University
WEI Shu-li, ZHANG Jie-qi
Chengde Open University, Chengde, Hebei 067000, China
In order to implement the strategy of "creating excellence and improving quality" of the Open University of China, Open universities at all levels actively improve their school running conditions and promote teaching reform. However, the municipal TV universities, as the grass-roots teaching implementation units, face many adverse factors such as shortage of teachers, backward technology and heavy management tasks. Through the research on the factors that affect the quality of teachers' teaching, it is found that factors such as policy incentives, technical training, teaching competitions, inspection and supervision can mobilize teachers' enthusiasm. Teachers actively use information technology to carry out learning services for students, which can effectively promote students' autonomous learning, thereby improving the quality of education and teaching.
收稿日期: 2022-2-27
基金项目: 河北广播电视大学科学研究基金项目《“以信息化推动质量提升”环境下市级电大创新和落实教学过程的对策研究》(WT 202011)