国家开放大学 经济管理教学部, 北京 100039
起止页码: 34--38页
Research on the Cultivation of Financial Professionals in the Open University from the Perspective of New Business Disciplines
School of Economis & Management, the Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
With the development of the digital economy, the construction of new business disciplines and talent training have become a hot issue of widespread concern in the society. The training model of financial professionals is in urgent need of reform. Focusing on the reform of higher business education in the new era and the training of financial professionals in the open university has important theoretical and practical significance. Cultivating talents with moral integrity is the foundation for the training of financial professionals in the open university. The curriculum system of financial professionals must be diverse, flexible, integrated, and open, and appropriately increase the degree of freedom for students to choose courses; the curriculum must meet the needs of talents. The training goal must also reflect the frontier issues of the financial discipline, and adapt to the changing requirements of the times and the actual needs of students.
收稿日期: 2022-3-22
基金项目: 2016年度国家开放大学重点课题《财务管理专业分布式课程体系和教学内容设计研究
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