在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年4期《专业集群赋能省级开放大学服务当地的思考》
张家口开放大学, 河北 张家口 075000
起止页码: 29--33页

Reflections on Professional Clusters Empowering Provincial Open University to Serve Local Areas
LI Yan-wu
Zhangjiakou Open University, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China
The construction of professional cluster in provincial open universities is a new choice for the realization of connotative development, training of high quality applied talents and effective services to the local economy. Provincial-level open universities and municipal-level open universities should combine the related majors to form professional cluster on the basis of the talent demand of local industrial clusters closely around the development of regional economy, and cultivate compound high-quality talents for local social and economic development. The construction of professional clusters should take the advantage of the open university's system-running to realize cross-city cooperation between municipal-level open universities, and build a lifelong education platform for learners from all walks of life under the guidance of the concept of lifelong education. Provincial local open universities should break the professional boundaries of the traditional higher education mode, form a flexible professional construction mechanism, adjust the majors of the cluster under the guidance of the core majors of the professional cluster according to local conditions dynamically, improve the degree of fit between the majors and the industrial chain, and achieve co-development of various disciplines. Local open universities should actively carry out cross-border cooperation in running schools with industry enterprises, deepen the integration of production and education, build an open practical teaching platform, and build a teaching team that combines full-time and part-time teachers. The curriculum setting under the conditions of professional cluster construction should adhere to the quality as the core, and realize the characteristic modular curriculum setting to meet the requirements of the local economy for personnel training.

收稿日期: 2022-2-14
基金项目: 河北广播电视大学科学研究基金项目《河北省地级市社区教育发展模式探索》(2017 YB 13)

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