在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2011年6期《晚清制度变迁中的袁世凯——评麦金农著《中华帝国晚期的权力与政治:袁世凯在天津与北京(1901-1908)》》
王先明1, 牛秋实2
1. 南开大学 历史学院, 天津 300071;
2. 南京大学 文学院, 江苏 南京 210032
起止页码: 6--10页

Yuan Shikai in the Institutional Changes in the Late Qing Dynasty——Review of McKinnon. s Power and Politics in Late Imperial China: Yuan Shikai in Tianjin and Beijing (1901-1908)
WANG Xianming1, NIU Qiushi2
1. Institute of History, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071;
2. College of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210032, China
McKinnon's study on Yuan Shikai and his new policy was mainly based on the following concerns:relatively speaking,we know little of the policy of the Qing Dynasty in Beijing and the external and inter-nal pressures it suffered,even less of the empire's change of political pow er structure at the turn of the century.The author's research and new view point were built on the basis of detailed historical data,in addition to extensive use of common historical data,such as Yuan Shikai's Memorial,the relevant local records as Guanzong County Annals,archival material as files of the M inistry of Communications and "Customs report",the more use of the "British Foreign Office files (White Paper)" and proofread with Yuan Shikai's Memorial.Meanwhile more materials are used from the Taipei Palace Museum,such files of the Military Confidential Adminis-tration as "the business files of Guangxu Period,fang ben and the Memorial series".This naturally ensures the academic and credibility of the study.

收稿日期: 2011-10-25
