在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2011年6期《民国北派通俗小说勃兴原因与出版特征——以市民阅读最为集中的北方最大商埠天津为例》
天津市出版研究室 书报文摘报社, 天津 300052
起止页码: 1--5页

Causes of Prosperity of Northern Popular Fiction and Publishing Features in the Period of Republic of China——Taking the Case of the Most Concentrated Public Readers in the North's Largest Commercial Port Tianjin
NI Siting
Books and Newspapers Digest Office, Tianjin Research and Publishing Department, Tianjin 300052, China
Chinese popular fiction is an important part of modern literature.The popular fiction in the Period of Republic of China was divided into North and South factions,respectively taking Tianjin and Shanghai for their publishing center.The South popular fiction took an early start and enjoyed a fanatic popularity from the early Republic Period until the mid 1930s.Although the North popular novels started later than the South,theyw on over the Southern faction by quality work since the 1930s and still have readers nowadays.The cause of prosperity of North popular fiction was closely related to the thrive and competition of Tianjin newspaper industry in the late Qing and early Republic of China.The large number of popular novels were serialized by the newspaper and follow ed by the booklet published by the sam enewspaper office,and thus leaving the Tianjin book publishing industry undeveloped,which became the chief feature of the creation and publishing of the Northern popular novels in the Republic Period.

收稿日期: 2011-09-13
